Chip Electronics - Rozwiązania monitoringu parametrów środowiskowych i IoT
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Server room monitoring

AVTECH External Digital Temperature Sensor AVTECH External Digital Temperature Sensor


incl. 23.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: €92.31

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Digital Active Power Sensor with Built-In Temperature Sensor by Avtech Digital Active Power Sensor with Built-In Temperature Sensor by Avtech


incl. 23.00% TAX, excl. shipping costs

Net price: €111.82

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Server room monitoring (sensors, monitoring units, enviromental monitoring)

Server room monitoring and IT equipment is extraordinary important for continous and flawless work of your company. Too high temperature, humididty oraz sudden leakage from air conditioning can significantly impact your server room enviroment. Temperature and humidity sensors, flood monitoring, smoke detection connected with server room monitoring units assure real time control of enviromental conditions. 

Additionaly, the system inform you about danger immediately after occurance. In our offer for server room monitoring you can purchase top class equipment and devices. Among other we can supply for company: simple ethernet thermometers, temperature and humidity control units, 1-Wire converters, PDU's and more.


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